2010年8月21日 星期六


越南增加撥款儲備農業物資 越南消息,越南農業部透露,政府近日決定從中央財政預備資金中增加撥款66億盾,用於購買獸藥、殺蟲劑、農藥和植物種子等國家儲備農資,服務疫情防治,發展農業生產近年來農業天災、蟲災頻發,家禽家畜病情時常出現,國家農業物資儲備發揮了積極的預防和防治作用。
越南中秋月餅市價行情 越南消息,各中秋月餅廠家反映,今年月餅原料糖、腰果、果仁等都較上年同期上漲15%-40%。在胡志明市,不少廠家月餅產量比上年增加10-20%,月餅價格也上漲10%-20%。海參仁、鮑魚仁等高檔月餅每盒700-800萬盾,普通甚錦仁、綠豆仁、蓮子仁等月餅每盒25-30萬盾。
越南是國家發展的成功典型 中非常駐法語國際組織首席代表、中非共和國總統外交顧問Joseph Kiticki Kouamba部長表示,國際社會一提到越南,就把其視為一個在以前的爭取民族解放鬥爭和日前的國家發展與建設事業中的成功典型。 Kouamba先生8月18日在國會總部會見國會主席阮富仲時說,此次訪越讓他對不斷發展的一個國家——越南有了新的看法。
Kouamba先生對越南舉行第二屆“越南— 非洲合作研討會”表示感謝,認為其為雙方信息互動、合作交流、共享經驗和推動越南與非洲各國乃至與中非共和國的合作搭建了平台。
中非共和國總統外交顧問Joseph Kiticki Kouamba部長表示,希望訪越期間就越南在各方面所取得的成功經驗,特別是對建設發展政策路線、鞏固和發揮民族大團結、調動軍力參加經濟發展、建設偏遠地區的公路、村落及資助民眾防範自然災害等問題進行了解並藉鑑,他堅信中非人民在國家建設與發展道路上能繼續取得更加蓬勃的發展。
前7 個月胡志明市工業產值323萬億盾 據越南<<經濟時報>>8月19日報導,胡志明市工貿廳稱,7月份胡志明市工業產值環比增長3.8%,同比增長17%。前7 個月工業產值累計達323萬億盾,同比增長13.6%。 27個工業行業中的23個同比增長,其中的12個行業增幅較高。佔工業產值比重較大的產品為金屬製品、電力機械設備、電力產銷量等。
8月份胡志明市CPI再度回落 據越南《年輕人報》8月19日報導,胡志明市統計局消息,繼7月份之後,本月胡志明市CPI 環比再度回落0.25%,同比上漲8.21%。較漲幅最高的月份比,價格指數上漲的商品主要有:家庭用品、設備、住房、水電、燃料、交通;價格指數下降的商品有:食品、飲食服務(-0.13%);郵電通訊(-4.71 %)和其他商品服務類(-0.07%)。
越南現有外資項目近12000個 據《越南經濟時報》8月19日報導,越南計劃投資部外國投資局日前公佈的數據顯示,目前越南全國現存的有效外資項目近12000個,協議投資總額1884億美元。韓國投資項目項目最多,達2570個,協議投資總額230億美元。胡志明市是越南吸收外資最多的地方,3441個項目,285億美元;其次是頭頓省,260億美元;河內第三,外資項目數和協議投資額分別佔全國總數的25.49%和17.6%。東南部4省市(胡市、頭頓、平陽和同奈)外資項目數和協議投資額分別佔全國的60.14%和51.66%。而西北地區分別只占到0.34%和 0.11%。
越南紡織服裝在美國市場份額上升 據《越南經濟時報》8月19日報導,越南工貿部工業貿易信息中心稱,越南紡織服裝在美國市場的份額在上升。目前,越南紡織服裝出口量占美國市場份額的4.96%,較上一年上升一個百分點。今年前7個月,越南紡織服裝出口總額為63億美元,同比增長17%。其中,對美國出口占其出口總額的55%。

2010年8月19日 星期四






越南消息,在越南,最近不少供應商要求批發商提高商品價格。河內超市協會主席武榮富表示,南方地區超市傳來消息,到8月底,近300種日用品價格將上調3%到12%。特別是盒裝食品、餅乾等約100種食品價格,平均漲幅為5%;食用油價格上漲3%,美容化妝品價格上漲5-8%,家庭用品價格上漲4-5%,成衣價格上漲5- 12%。某超市代表說,他們接到很多供應商的上調價格信息,服裝和家庭用品是主要調漲價對象。供應商回應零售漲價原因時表示,主要是汽油每升漲了400盾,匯率變動,以及生產投入加大等。一般情況下,南方市場物價上漲,北方市場也會跟著上漲,只是時間上慢一點。



據《越南投資報》8月18日報導,BP公司已向越南政府提出出售其在越南資產的申請。主要資產有西欄-紅欄(lan tay-lan do)氣田(總投資額5.673億美元,BP佔35%);南崑山輸氣管(總投資額4.268億美元,BP佔32.67%);富美3熱電廠(總投資額3.85億美元,BP佔33.3%)。目前,台塑集團(FORMOSA),印度油氣集團(ONGC)和越南油氣集團(PVN)對上述資產表示了興趣。



2010年8月18日 星期三

Vietnam Dong Weakens to Record After Devaluation

Vietnam Dong Weakens to Record After Devaluation

August 18, 2010, 3:59 AM EDT

By Patricia Lui and Nguyen Kieu Giang

(Updates with bond closing price in the last paragraph.)

Aug. 18 (Bloomberg) -- Vietnam’s dong slid to a record low against the dollar after the central bank devalued the currency for the third time in the past year to help curb a widening trade deficit.

The dong dropped 1.1 percent to 19,320 per dollar as of 2:30 p.m. in Hanoi, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The State Bank of Vietnam said yesterday it will set the daily reference rate 2 percent lower at 18,932 per dollar from today, according to a statement posted on its website. The currency is allowed to trade 3 percent either side of the rate.

“The idea is to address the trade deficit, which in the past seven months has almost doubled,” said Ho Woei Chen, an economist at United Overseas Bank Ltd. in Singapore. “This triggered concern about the currency and was a sign that the dong had to be devalued in order to boost exports and reduce imports.”

The currency earlier slumped as much as 1.7 percent to 19,425, the weakest level since Bloomberg began tracking it in 1993 and the biggest decline since the last devaluation in February. The 12-month non-deliverable forward weakened 0.9 percent to 21,427, implying traders are betting on a further loss of 10 percent.

In the so-called black market, the dong traded at 19,445 this afternoon at gold shops in Ho Chi Minh City, compared with 19,335 yesterday, according to the 1080 telephone-information service run by state-owned Vietnam Posts & Telecommunications.

Trade Deficit

Exports rose 17.5 percent in the first seven months of the year from the same period in 2009, according to data from the General Statistics Office in Hanoi on July 27. Imports expanded 25.5 percent. The trade deficit was $7.4 billion, almost twice the figure for the same period last year.

“Exports may have been improving, but imports have been improving even faster,” Ho said. “There could be continued pressure on the dong in terms of expectations by the people. The black-market rate is much weaker than the official rate.”

A weaker dong may also help reduce the gap between the exchange rate at banks and in the black market, according to a research note today from VinaSecurities Joint-Stock Co.

‘Too Small’

“The official reason for this action was to help exports, but a 2 percent depreciation is probably too small to achieve that effect,” the note said. “However, it has an important signaling effect, that the State Bank of Vietnam has taken concrete steps to stabilize the exchange rate.”

The dong was last devalued on Feb. 11, when the central bank lowered the reference rate by about 3.3 percent to 18,544. The dong dropped 1.4 percent that day to 18,725 and slid a further 1.8 percent to 19,065 by end-June. The move followed an earlier 5 percent devaluation on Nov. 25, when the trading band was also narrowed to 3 percent from 5 percent.

“After the depreciation in February, the currency market was calm for five months,” the VinaSecurities’ note read. “If history were to repeat itself, the dollar rate would stay stable until the end of 2010.”

“All in all, the 2 percent devaluation came sooner than we had expected, but it was also smaller than we had expected,” Singapore-based Tamara Henderson, head of Asian foreign exchange research at Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd., wrote in a note today. “We continue to expect a move to the 20,000 level in the dollar-dong in the first part of 2011.”

Vietnam’s benchmark government bonds were steady, with the yield on the five-year note at 10.635 percent from 10.647 percent yesterday, according to a daily fixing price from banks compiled by Bloomberg. A basis point is 0.01 percentage point.

--With assistance from Diep Ngoc Pham in Hanoi. Editors: Sandy Hendry, Ven Ram

To contact the reporter on this story: Patricia Lui at plui4@bloomberg.net; Nguyen Kieu Giang in Hanoi at giang1@bloomberg.net

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Sandy Hendry at shendry@bloomberg.net

Vietnam Devalues Its Currency as Equities Approach Bear Market

Vietnam Devalues Its Currency as Equities Approach Bear Market

Vietnam devalued its currency for the third time since November, moving to reverse a slump in exports that helped to drive stocks close to a bear market.

The dong dropped 1.1 percent to 19,320 per dollar as of 11:22 a.m. in Hanoi, after touching a record-low 19,425 as the central bank lowered thereference rate by 2 percent. The Ho Chi Minh City Stock Exchange’s VN Index dropped 1.7 percent to 455.49, extending its decline from the May peak to 17 percent, near the 20 percent that would indicate a bear market.

A weaker currency may boost exports and demonstrates the government’s focus on boosting economic growth over further easing inflation, said Prakriti Sofat, a Singapore-based economist at Barclays Capital. Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung said in June the economy may expand as much as 7 percent this year, beating the 6.5 percent target, from 5.3 percent in 2009.

“The main reason for the central bank’s move is to balance onshore foreign-exchange demand-and-supply and to support exporters,” Sofat said. “Vietnam largely exports low value- added goods and typically competes on prices.”

Vietnam’s trade deficit widened in July from the previous month on falling exports. The shortfall reached $1.15 billion from a revised $742 million in June. For the seven months through July, the gap was $7.4 billion, almost twice the figure for the same period last year.

Seafood Companies

“A weaker currency should in theory improve Vietnam’s balance of trade,” said Kevin Snowball, chief executive of Ho Chi Minh City-based fund manager PXP Vietnam Asset Management Ltd. “For the markets, the immediate beneficiaries of this should be companies with earnings in foreign currencies, including seafood companies.”

The Ho Chi Minh City Stock Exchange’s VN Index, Southeast Asia’s worst-performing benchmark gauge this year, has tumbled 61 percent from the record 1,170.67 in March 2007 as the global financial crisis prompted a retreat from developing nations. Declining prices drove stocks on the VN Index to 10.1 times reported earnings, the cheapest in Asia apart from Pakistan.

Barclays Capital is maintaining a year-end forecast for the dong to trade at 19,500, the upper end of the 3 percent band either side of the 18,932 per dollar reference rate, Sofat said in a phone interview today. The currency may weaken to 20,000 per dollar during the first half of next year, Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd. said today.

‘Remains Challenging’

“The outlook for exports remains challenging,” wrote Tamara Henderson, the Singapore-based head of foreign exchange research at ANZ, which also cited the risk that Fitch Ratings’ downgrade last month of Vietnam’s debt rating may hurt future inflows of external financing.

Central bank governor Nguyen Van Giau on Feb. 11 depreciated the dong by lowering the reference rate 3.4 percent to 18,544, following the previous devaluation in November 2009.

“The central bank still has a bias to support growth, especially as credit and loans growth have been relatively weak,” Sofat said. “The central bank has been encouraging local banks to reduce lending rates and now the weaker dong will help support exporters.”

The economy expanded 6.4 percent in the three months through June, compared with 5.83 percent in the first quarter. Inflation cooled for a fourth month in July, to 8.19 percent, the General Statistics Office in Hanoi reported July 24.

‘Price Pressures’

“The weaker currency will likely add to imported price pressures,” Sofat wrote separately in a research note yesterday.

Vietnam is preparing a “sustainable” development strategy for 2011 to 2020 that will lead to average annual gross domestic product growth of 7 percent to 8 percent a year for the period, Prime Minister Dung said in Hanoi today.

Vietnam’s exports rose 17.5 percent in the first seven months of the year from the same period in 2009, according to data from the General Statistics Office in Hanoi on July 27. Imports expanded 25.5 percent.

A weaker dong may also help reduce the gap between the exchange rate at banks and in the black market, according to a research note today from VinaSecurities Joint-Stock Co.

“‘It has an important signaling effect, that the State Bank of Vietnam has taken concrete steps to stabilize the exchange rate,” the note said.

--Patricia Lui in Singapore, Jason Folkmanis in Ho Chi Minh City. Editors: Reinie Booysen, Margo Towie

To contact the reporter on this story: Patricia Lui at plui4@bloomberg.net


德國《榜樣雜誌》網絡版8月15日發表了Jenni Roth記者撰寫的題為“越南經濟爆發”的文章,其肯定了越南是亞洲新經濟爆發之地。



記者援引了德國駐越南大使館經濟律師Oliver Massmann先生的評價稱:“越南是一個充滿潛力的大市場,也是東南亞最為活躍經濟體之一”。

Oliver Massmann律師表示,若中國勞動力廉價,較之越南就更有競爭力。

越南在歐洲的第一大貿易夥伴國是德國,對該國的出口商品主要包括胡椒、咖啡、縫紉紡織品等。德國駐河內市商務室表示,雙邊貿易額年均增速達兩位數。除了西門子(Siemens)公司以外,還有220家德國在越南投資生產企業,其包括阿迪達斯(adidas)分公司,海德堡德印刷(Heidelberger Druck)分公司,麥德龍(Metro)超市集團,德國頂級的男裝品牌——賽登施蒂克集團,世界著名奢侈品牌——德國加值拉克(VAN LAACK)服裝公司,黛安芬(Triumph)集團等。


文章還提出越南另外一個優勢,既許多政策明顯放寬。 2009年開始,外國公司獲准租用土地用於自身目的。多年期間,從事零售領域的外國公司只能購買股份或者合資,但博世(Bosch)迄今成為歐洲第一家獲得獨立執照的公司。這就是越南於2007年入世和革新政策等原因帶來的,促使越南成為更有吸引力的投資之地。







小麥進口需求如此強勁,大出專家意料。此前越南很少以小麥為糧食,僅進口一定數量小麥製作食品,生產餅乾等,少部分小麥作飼料原料。而7月份就進口小麥23萬噸,價值5600萬美元。越南農業部畜牧局認為,年初玉米價格過高,越南需要向外尋找便宜飼料原料。進口小麥和麥麩價格比玉米低,成為飼料企業替代性生產原料。據越南飼料養殖協會估算,因國內飼料原料種植情形未得到改善,每年進口飼料原料占到全行業需求的60-70%。 2010年,這一比例超過90%。不含小麥在內,2010年前7個月,人國進口各類飼料原料13.8億美元,同比增長近30%。








據越南《物資價格市場報》近日報導,越南橡膠協會(VRA)秘書長稱,8月份越南橡膠價格回升,現SVR橡膠為3038美元/噸。若橡膠出口保持在3000美元/噸的價位,今年越南橡膠出口將達13-15億美元。報導稱,7月份越南累計出口橡膠33.6萬噸,出口金額4.83億美元,出口量同比下降3.4%,但出口額增長了85%。 VRA預測,今年越南橡膠出口將達68萬噸,佔總越南橡膠總產量的88%。